How Mediation Services Can Help You Resolve Disputes
Disputes between businesses can be costly, time consuming and damaging to a company’s reputation. Fortunately, there is an alternative to litigation that can help you resolve disputes quickly and efficiently: mediation services. In this blog, we’ll explore what mediation services are, how they work and why they are so beneficial for resolving disputes. What Is […]
Electronic Communication Facilities
The KZN norms and standards for electronic communication facilities are consistently being overlooked by service providers and interested and affected parties at their own peril. On 7 January 2020 the KZN Member of the Executive Council: Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs adopted the Provincial Norms and Standards for Electronic Communication Facilities (Norms and Standards). “Electronic […]
The use of an Information and Document Repository in terms of Section 30(10) of NEMA
In the case of an environmental non-compliant event or an unforeseen environmental catastrophic event, there is a duty to keep the public informed on the state of the environment, especially when the event affects their immediate environment, life, or livelihood. Section 2 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) includes several principles which should guide […]